The following weekend I went with Mom and Mammaw to Edisto for the Tour of Homes. It was an experience I wouldn't give anything for it but you and I would've talked or texted alot that weekend. There were so many Mammaw stories. One of my favorites was after talking about the beach house all weekend and explaining to her why we didn't own a house on the water that we just couldn't afford it and that we were happy with the house we have, she called Mom Sunday night after talking to Uncle Phil and asked her why she didn't tell her we were staying at her beach house. She just thought we had rented an apartment. It was a good weekend with once again treasured memories from Shorty's Shack. I got up early Sunday morning and walked the beach, I took several photo's of the sunrise but this one reminded me mostly of you.
I walked down the beach that morning because Mom told me your favorite little beach cottage (you know the periwinkle blue house) had been sold and painted. They had an auction but she didn't find out about it until afterwards, we would've like to have something from that house because you liked it so much. These are the new colors, just not the same!
Last Thursday you were inducted into the Heroes and Heroines Hall of Fame for Lexington School District 2. You are surrounded by loved ones on that wall, Mom being one of them and also Jan Smith. It really made us think how much fun you and Jan are having together these days. I bet Gamecock football nights you 2 are getting into all kind of trouble! The ceremony was a wonderful tribute to you and all that you have done for children. The district food service prepared food "from the colors of the Rainbow" just like you taught the children. They also had chips and salsa just for you :) Once again, you would've been so proud of Jacob and the girls-what a family! Springdale showed their love and support as they have done all along.
Gotta go to work, love ya so Sista!!