Hey Sista! Tomorrow is your birthday. Last year this time we were preparing for the resurrection as your birthday fell on Easter. This year, some of us are ending our Spring Break and gearing up for the big finale of the the school year's end! Oh how I'd love to report that we are all just clicking along but I've never lied to you before and don't plan on starting now :-)
You'd think once I handled all of the "firsts" that I'd figure out how all of this works, but gotta be honest I'm still trying to navigate it all. It's just a little too real these days, not that I haven't felt the weight of it all for the past 13 months. We all have and we're so thankful that you brought us all together to be there for each other-thanks again for that! Don't know how we'd do without it-
I do see so many positives, like the people that support
Cindy's Place, Springdale, your family, children, Fund Run, and the list
goes on and on...
We had a good few days at Edisto-Mom went on Monday and we got down on Tuesday. Mike was able to join us for a few nights because of his work route so that was a treat. Jacob and Anna hadn't been down since last Summer so it was good to be together. Missed Addie but that whole college thing gets in the way!
Today, I spent about 6 hours in the yard after church...first (and last) really pretty day of Spring Break and wanted to soak it all up. One of the chores I did was pull the weeds in my raised garden, and what do I find once the array of weeds are gone...the leaves for my glads that are coming back this year. That's what Spring is all about, the tulips, daffodils, cloroxed rockers, bird feeders filled, AND a re-birth of bulbs planted 2 years ago. I gotta tell you, sure do wish it was possible for our loved ones that have gone before us. Sally mentioned on the ride back from Edisto this weekend, "don't you just want 1 night, just 1 night to talk to her again?" Of course, the answer was yes but truth is I'm greedy and probably wouldn't be content with just one. I'd be begging for more, "come on, just one more then you can go back." So for now, I'll do my best to chat with you on the porch, the lawnmower, the beach, this blog, riding along in my truck...and be thankful for the time we did have and work really hard to listen for your voice. Keep talking Sista, we're listening down here, I promise we are!!
Today and EVERYDAY, I love ya Sista!!