Today is the first day of Summer break for me. I think of you everyday, several times a day, for so many reasons. You are such a part of my life and many others. When I think of Summer I think of you! It was your favorite time of year. But, then I think, wow did you ever love Fall. It brought Carolina football and all of the excitement that follows the Gamecocks! And of course Christmas was your favorite time. You loved the music, the family time, the surprises, the faces of people being happy. You loved the Winter for the expectation of snow and how your family would jump in the Jeep and go hunting for a snowy day somewhere...anywhere! And then there is Spring. A renewal, a favorite time to teach, new growth on the plants and trees.
So really, who am I kidding! You just loved life, whatever season you found all of the positives and went with it. We are continuing to follow your lead down here. We are living and loving and celebrating life every day. Moving forward? Well, we're trying I'll say that. I feel fortunate that you're with me each and every day. You were with me when I spent the weekend re-doing my field day because of the rain. Like Mom said "I know you would've been calling on your Sista for help" and she was right. I certainly would've been on the phone bending your ear about some ideas. But, you were there-right along side as always.
And, we did Memorial Day Weekend just as planned and you were with us the whole way. The hat made the trip again as did "Cynthia" a bear made for me by a sweet friend from church.
We talked so many times about how you orchestrated the weekend, the relationships, the traditions and the fun! We are thankful for you putting us all in each others lives. Even though we're carving our own paths and creating new ones we are relishing in the paths already established. We're traveling those paths and though our wish is to have you physically travel with us we are grateful to be able to gather together.
Otter Island...
Sunset on the
So, we continue with our traditions, we continue to make new ones and we talk about you all the time. You are an integral part of our lives, you are a big part of making us who we are and what we stand for and for that we are forever grateful! I for one know because of you I make a difference. Thanks for that big sister!
As always, I love ya Sista!