January, 2015 are you kidding me? February 25th is just around the corner and the 3 year mark is approaching. I last wrote on November 23rd with the note that Finn was coming but on her own time...sound familiar? Water broke the morning of the 24th and Finn was on her way! Doc said she will have a November 24th birthday...she waited until the 25th! Wouldn't give anything for the 17+ hours we hung out and congratulated ALL of the other families that celebrated their newborns that day. When Finn decided she would grace us with her presence she was more perfect than we could ever imagine! I know you chatted with her and loved on her before she was born so you know what a little angel she is-but as excited as we were for her we had NO idea of the depth of joy she would bring.
Finn looks like you and Daddy in the picture on the left but she is so her Daddy as noted in the picture on the right. Mostly she looks like Ryan but every now and then she gives you that Addie, Shimmy, Cindy look!
There are no words for the joy that she has brought us this Christmas season. Life is good! It always has been but for me it's gets a little clouded sometimes. I try to be strong, knowing how we roll, always looking for the positive, finding the happy in our lives. It's been there and will always be but Finn just opens my eyes WIDE-OPEN. A gift from God, a true blessing, more than words can describe! I was so emotional before she was born about how I wish you could hold her, teach her your sayings, just be in her life. But, now I feel like you are ALWAYS with her, I'm more at peace with that part of it than I ever thought I would be.
Sista, you would be so unbelievably proud of both of your girls! Anna is an awesome mom, she has been in training for years now just like you were-(remember how you fed me on your lap with a baby spoon when I was about 12?!) And Addie-just WOW! She is not only rocking out the grades in college and working so hard in that area, she is the most amazing aunt! She has a connection with Finn like no other. She is such an amazing person, I just sit back sometimes and take in all of the awesomeness! You and Jacob "done good!" your girls are thoughtful, kind, respectful, responsible...that list can go on-
There are so many fabulous people in Finn's life and for that I'm grateful! Ryan has a loving family that also thinks Finn hung the moon and they have friends that spend time with her which makes a difference. Anna and Ryan and all of their friends and family will forever do what is best for her and love her unconditionally! I sometimes think of how Anna and Addie had 4 grandparents and then what seemed like a blink of the eye they have 1. So, Bon Bon there are so many great pics of you and Finn but this is one of my favorites! You're singing her a song and I can think back and hear those same words all those years ago-
To reminisce on times gone before and look forward to great things to come is a gift! Here is a pic of 4 of my favorite people looking at photo albums of years past but making memories of years to come!
So, tonight I am thankful for all of the glorious things 2014 brought us...special marriages, a bundle of joy and relationships that matter...always!
Love ya Sista, forever and always!