Sunday, November 11, 2012

PE Convention

Last year this time Sista, we had just presented at the state convention on incorporating health and nutrition into the PE program and the "Healthy Fitness Zone" at Springdale affectionately known as Cindy's Place.  That was a nice weekend together and we even had Jacob and Addie join us after Airport played Myrtle Beach.  It was a tough weekend too because Griff had just passed away and we were all mourning the loss.  Griff had been a part of my life since I was in the 5th grade and she was a wonderful Mother-in-Law to you.  We couldn't ask to have been brought together with a more loving family.

This year I didn't get a proposal submitted by the due date and then decided that it was probably for the best.  It would be nice to go and take it all in and not worry about presenting.  But, much to my surprise Thursday afternoon 2 people said they were sorry they were going to have to miss my presentation Saturday morning.  My reply was "no problem because I didn't have a presentation."  I looked a little closer this time and found the title Organizing a FunD Run in your School, presenter Karen Roof.  Really, not funny Cindy :)  Sally and Ashley seem to think you had a hand in it, I think they are probably right!  So, I got my thoughts together the best I could and presented at 8 the next morning.  For the record, mine is called the Fun Run and Springdale's is called FunD Run so no doubt you signed me up!  Oh and by the way, thanks for being there with me.

The weekend was certainly bittersweet.  So many nice people that I haven't seen had many wonderful things to say about you, Jacob, the girls and just the whole situation.  We'll continue to live on, be thankful for our time with you and all that you taught us, and definitely try to follow your lead.  I'm grateful to have a network of PE professionals to share memories and to continue to grow, learn and share.

As we enter into the holiday season, I'll work really hard to remember how much you loved this time of year.  Even though it was such a busy time, you seemed to relish in the non-stop bustle.  It just meant you were impacting that many more people.  I'll listen to the Christmas music with all the gusto you had (even though I WILL wait until after Thanksgiving unlike you starting in October.)  We'll continue with all of our traditions and I'm sure start a few new ones along the way.  I'll be back around Thanksgiving if not before to share all that I'm thankful for in the past and what is to come in the future.
Love ya Sista!