Monday, August 12, 2013

As this 2nd Summer comes to a close...

As this 2nd Summer without you with us comes to a close I have been reflecting a good bit this past week.  I read a friend's post on facebook about losing his brother years ago and how he no longer mourns but celebrates his life and his impact on this world.  I'm not there but I do celebrate your life daily and continue to be in awe of your impact on the world we live in. A part of my heart is broken and I'm not sure how or if it will ever heal.  I kinda doubt it and I'm ok with that, I don't stop living or talking about you.  I don't back away from experiences that remind me of you but I cherish them.  I see God's light all around me and I try to live my life the way He wants me to and do what I think is right.
I feel pretty fortunate because I see you in so many different ways, some I've mentioned before in my blog and some are new experiences.
  • Sunlight on the grass - you know that glisten on the grass when the sun catches the blades just right, sometimes I see it from the porch or cutting grass and other times I might be riding down the road.
  • Grilling - that charcoal smell, the conversations, the rocking/swinging that usually accompanied it, whether we were grilling splitters, hand-hewn burgers or with "Cindy's sauce" the time together was always special.
  • Porch - I cherish our porch time and every cup of coffee or Ultra I enjoy on it I think of you.
  • Edisto - This one is a long list so I'll just let Edisto say it all!
  • Sun through the clouds -  I see it all the time and know it's your smile :)
  • Finding old photos - came across a few this week and it reminds me of memories from long ago, how lucky we are to have good memories
  • Music - what a strong connection, I listen to music a good bit during the Summer especially and so many songs remind me of you...some make me smile...some make me laugh...and some make me cry...
  • My 30th high school reunion is in September - I'm looking forward to it and I'm sure we'll have some "Cindy" conversations there as well.  You touched many of their lives too as my big sister or their child's teacher, friend in the community...

And now, it's time for a new school year.  I've had some good, quality time with Anna and Addie this summer.  I know they are family and I may be a little partial but they are truly awesome people!!  I love them so and LOVE spending time with them.  They are beginning their 2nd year together-Anna and her 2nd year as a 3rd grade teacher at Springdale and Addie's 2nd year at USC.  So unbelievably proud of them both!  I've enjoyed and cherished some time with Mom and Mike this summer too!

Sally started a new job this Summer and she starts seminary in the Fall so I look forward to a little blogging about this new adventure soon! She continues to be a source of strength knowing she also lost a sister much too soon.

My school year starts feeling very empowered thanks to a week in Asheville for the National PE Institute #PEInstitute13 and I was blessed to be able to attend.  Last year, you and I were going together and it was a tough time but rewarding.  This year I took 3 colleagues with me and we were able to have some great professional conversations.

So, I start a new school year as I always will from here on, by thinking of you and all the many lessons you taught me.  Being thankful for having a job that I absolutely love and and listening for your voice. 

Love ya Sista!!