Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Who are your heroes?

I just spent 5 days at the National PE Institute in Asheville, NC and it was the most powerful professional development I've ever attended.  The days were from 8-4:30 but they truly flew by because they were so informative and in true PE fashion we were up and moving for a good part of the day.  Each day started and ended with keynote speakers that empowered us to be the best and do our best for the kids each and every day.  The final morning Artie Kamiya shared a couple of inspirational stories and lessons.  He then asked us to share with our neighbors the people that we consider to be our heroes.  Of course I think of Mom and Dad, former teachers and many family members and friends that have meant so much to me and helped mold me into who I am today.  I shared Cindy with my neighbor (that I didn't know) but then afterwards Artie asked if anyone wanted to share with the entire group (over 300 physical educators attended the conference.)  After a few people spoke, I decided to share because Cindy was there with me for the week (as she is each and every day.) So, I told the crowd a little about why she's my hero but the emotional part of me took over and I kept it pretty brief.
So now, I'd like to share why Cindy is my hero;

From the day I was born, Cindy was there for me.  She was 5 years older so I think I was kind of her baby doll :) She fed me, watched over me, took up for me and taught me many lessons.  But she's my hero because of our relationship as adults, here are some examples of why she is my hero:

-she's an advocate for children at all times, the child comes first
-she constantly found ways to help families exercise together which was the push behind the facelift to the playground she called "The Healthy Fitness Zone" now known as "Cindy's Place"
-she NEVER treated anyone as if she was better or above them, all are equals and all are important
-she taught children, colleagues and parents the importance of being healthy and she "walked the walk"
-she loved and adored her family
-she fought for what she believed in
-we could talk for hours about elementary PE and shared ideas constantly
-she would go way out of her way to do something nice for you
-if you knew Cindy you knew you meant something to her
-she verbalized what she believed
-she would listen, even at 2 a.m.
-she would go for a run even if she didn't feel great because she knew it would make her feel better
-she wouldn't settle for less, live life to the fullest
-when difficulties came up, she responded with "let's get a plan"

When I was at the conference and I sent a text to Sally and Ashley to pray for me to get my emotions back together, they of course gave me the support I needed and for that I'm grateful.  Ashley's response was right on when she said Cindy was watching from heaven and saying "who, me??"

I could continue this list all day and I will probably add to it as the days, weeks and years go on.
But for now... Cindy-you are my hero, thanks for always being there, for standing up for me and loving me unconditionally, teaching me through your words and actions, impacting so many lives and just being YOU!
Love you Sista (and football season is coming up soon so I gotta say GOOOO COCKS!! I know we'll be hearing your cock-a-doodle-do from here!)

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