Saturday, September 8, 2012

Any advice as to how life goes on??

That title sounds like I'm having trouble living, so let me clarify. No trouble living on this end,  happy to be here and I truly do enjoy life.  It's just that you were that go to person for advice, you didn't make it difficult or deep, just put it on the line.  My friend Sylvia Echols posted a statement the other day that makes me think of you..."what you say to children will become their inner voice."   I know you are my inner voice and I believe that's true for many others.  Everyday at school I hear myself talking to children and I truly hear your voice. You were always so interested in the child, it was never just about your field, it was the whole child (even before that was the buzz word.) So many people are out there are working diligently to raise money for "Cindy's Place."  I was able to attend the unveiling of the plan for Cindy's Place and it looks great.  I listened to 3 students that wrote persuasive letters to the mayor last year as 4th graders (which was their way of practicing for the PASS test.)  As 5th graders and leaders at Springdale, they read their own words from April of last year.  They spoke of their PE teacher, Mrs. Wilkerson, and how she wanted them to have a wonderful place to play and grow and exercise during school but also bring their families to join them after school hours.  You were their inner voice, I could hear your words as they spoke.  You would be so proud of Springdale Elementary and the community.  The diligence to make it a better place for ALL is being shown by so many people, and they are really stepping up.

Today, Addie is at a Carolina football game for the first time as an official Gamecock.  Anna and Jacob are cheering from your seats as loud as they can (I'm sure not as loud as you did but I have a feeling that Anna just might be able to give you a run for your money.)  Garnet and black runs awfully deep Sista.

So life does go on, we will just try to continue to listen to you (our inner voice) and live life to the fullest, treat others with respect, have fun, love children and all they bring with them, be spontaneous, oh and of course pull for the Carolina Gamecocks!!!

As always, love ya Sista!!

1 comment:

  1. From Bryson Summers:
    Just wanted to say I know you had the best seat in the house today. I miss your "crow" and your analysis after games. Every time I hear 2001 i think of the person who helped mold me into the person I am today. Miss you.
