December 25th will mark 10 months for life without you with us and we're all trying to figure out how to navigate through this time of year. It was definitely your favorite because of all that Christmas means. Baby Jesus and celebrating His birth, family, music, Believing, traditions, laughter and the list goes on. Recently, Sally gave me a new song to listen to on my way to Columbia. She said it will probably make you cry but that's ok, there is nothing wrong with crying. She's right but I really don't care to cry around people, when possible I prefer it in private. So the ride to Columbia was a perfect time. The song, Scotty McCreery's "Wonder what Christmas in Heaven is like?" definitely got my crying but also thinking. Having you as my sister certainly helps me imagine what Christmas in Heaven is like. It's the best Birthday party ever! But this is what I think of because of Cindy...
Celebrating Jesus' birth
Family gathered together
Friends expressing their love
Snow covered cabin
Fireplace lit
Carolina football
Jeep rides out in the country
Ice cold Ultra
Four-wheeler ride around the pond
A run by the river with Jacob, Anna or Addie
A walk on the beach at Edisto
Making the holidays extra special for someone
Talks late into the night...or actually early morning
Those are just a few of the things I think about when I think of what Christmas in Heaven is like with you in it.
Love ya Sista! I'll be back on real soon-
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
PE Convention
Last year this time Sista, we had just presented at the state convention on incorporating health and nutrition into the PE program and the "Healthy Fitness Zone" at Springdale affectionately known as Cindy's Place. That was a nice weekend together and we even had Jacob and Addie join us after Airport played Myrtle Beach. It was a tough weekend too because Griff had just passed away and we were all mourning the loss. Griff had been a part of my life since I was in the 5th grade and she was a wonderful Mother-in-Law to you. We couldn't ask to have been brought together with a more loving family.
This year I didn't get a proposal submitted by the due date and then decided that it was probably for the best. It would be nice to go and take it all in and not worry about presenting. But, much to my surprise Thursday afternoon 2 people said they were sorry they were going to have to miss my presentation Saturday morning. My reply was "no problem because I didn't have a presentation." I looked a little closer this time and found the title Organizing a FunD Run in your School, presenter Karen Roof. Really, not funny Cindy :) Sally and Ashley seem to think you had a hand in it, I think they are probably right! So, I got my thoughts together the best I could and presented at 8 the next morning. For the record, mine is called the Fun Run and Springdale's is called FunD Run so no doubt you signed me up! Oh and by the way, thanks for being there with me.
The weekend was certainly bittersweet. So many nice people that I haven't seen had many wonderful things to say about you, Jacob, the girls and just the whole situation. We'll continue to live on, be thankful for our time with you and all that you taught us, and definitely try to follow your lead. I'm grateful to have a network of PE professionals to share memories and to continue to grow, learn and share.
As we enter into the holiday season, I'll work really hard to remember how much you loved this time of year. Even though it was such a busy time, you seemed to relish in the non-stop bustle. It just meant you were impacting that many more people. I'll listen to the Christmas music with all the gusto you had (even though I WILL wait until after Thanksgiving unlike you starting in October.) We'll continue with all of our traditions and I'm sure start a few new ones along the way. I'll be back around Thanksgiving if not before to share all that I'm thankful for in the past and what is to come in the future.
Love ya Sista!
This year I didn't get a proposal submitted by the due date and then decided that it was probably for the best. It would be nice to go and take it all in and not worry about presenting. But, much to my surprise Thursday afternoon 2 people said they were sorry they were going to have to miss my presentation Saturday morning. My reply was "no problem because I didn't have a presentation." I looked a little closer this time and found the title Organizing a FunD Run in your School, presenter Karen Roof. Really, not funny Cindy :) Sally and Ashley seem to think you had a hand in it, I think they are probably right! So, I got my thoughts together the best I could and presented at 8 the next morning. For the record, mine is called the Fun Run and Springdale's is called FunD Run so no doubt you signed me up! Oh and by the way, thanks for being there with me.
The weekend was certainly bittersweet. So many nice people that I haven't seen had many wonderful things to say about you, Jacob, the girls and just the whole situation. We'll continue to live on, be thankful for our time with you and all that you taught us, and definitely try to follow your lead. I'm grateful to have a network of PE professionals to share memories and to continue to grow, learn and share.
As we enter into the holiday season, I'll work really hard to remember how much you loved this time of year. Even though it was such a busy time, you seemed to relish in the non-stop bustle. It just meant you were impacting that many more people. I'll listen to the Christmas music with all the gusto you had (even though I WILL wait until after Thanksgiving unlike you starting in October.) We'll continue with all of our traditions and I'm sure start a few new ones along the way. I'll be back around Thanksgiving if not before to share all that I'm thankful for in the past and what is to come in the future.
Love ya Sista!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
It's been 8 months...
It's kind of hard to believe that it has been 8 months today. Even though many things have happened since then, it still seems awfully fresh on my mind. The last time I blogged I was heading to Columbia to watch the Gamecocks take on Georgia. It was the most electric atmosphere I have experienced in that stadium in a long time. We won and we won BIG! I had a great night with everyone-family and friends always make things so much fun. Just a little update that you already know, the games at LSU and Florida didn't turn out as pretty as the Georgia game-oh well-looking towards Tennessee this weekend.
The following weekend I went with Mom and Mammaw to Edisto for the Tour of Homes. It was an experience I wouldn't give anything for it but you and I would've talked or texted alot that weekend. There were so many Mammaw stories. One of my favorites was after talking about the beach house all weekend and explaining to her why we didn't own a house on the water that we just couldn't afford it and that we were happy with the house we have, she called Mom Sunday night after talking to Uncle Phil and asked her why she didn't tell her we were staying at her beach house. She just thought we had rented an apartment. It was a good weekend with once again treasured memories from Shorty's Shack. I got up early Sunday morning and walked the beach, I took several photo's of the sunrise but this one reminded me mostly of you.
I walked down the beach that morning because Mom told me your favorite little beach cottage (you know the periwinkle blue house) had been sold and painted. They had an auction but she didn't find out about it until afterwards, we would've like to have something from that house because you liked it so much. These are the new colors, just not the same!
Last Thursday you were inducted into the Heroes and Heroines Hall of Fame for Lexington School District 2. You are surrounded by loved ones on that wall, Mom being one of them and also Jan Smith. It really made us think how much fun you and Jan are having together these days. I bet Gamecock football nights you 2 are getting into all kind of trouble! The ceremony was a wonderful tribute to you and all that you have done for children. The district food service prepared food "from the colors of the Rainbow" just like you taught the children. They also had chips and salsa just for you :) Once again, you would've been so proud of Jacob and the girls-what a family! Springdale showed their love and support as they have done all along.
Gotta go to work, love ya so Sista!!
The following weekend I went with Mom and Mammaw to Edisto for the Tour of Homes. It was an experience I wouldn't give anything for it but you and I would've talked or texted alot that weekend. There were so many Mammaw stories. One of my favorites was after talking about the beach house all weekend and explaining to her why we didn't own a house on the water that we just couldn't afford it and that we were happy with the house we have, she called Mom Sunday night after talking to Uncle Phil and asked her why she didn't tell her we were staying at her beach house. She just thought we had rented an apartment. It was a good weekend with once again treasured memories from Shorty's Shack. I got up early Sunday morning and walked the beach, I took several photo's of the sunrise but this one reminded me mostly of you.
I walked down the beach that morning because Mom told me your favorite little beach cottage (you know the periwinkle blue house) had been sold and painted. They had an auction but she didn't find out about it until afterwards, we would've like to have something from that house because you liked it so much. These are the new colors, just not the same!
Last Thursday you were inducted into the Heroes and Heroines Hall of Fame for Lexington School District 2. You are surrounded by loved ones on that wall, Mom being one of them and also Jan Smith. It really made us think how much fun you and Jan are having together these days. I bet Gamecock football nights you 2 are getting into all kind of trouble! The ceremony was a wonderful tribute to you and all that you have done for children. The district food service prepared food "from the colors of the Rainbow" just like you taught the children. They also had chips and salsa just for you :) Once again, you would've been so proud of Jacob and the girls-what a family! Springdale showed their love and support as they have done all along.
Gotta go to work, love ya so Sista!!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Good Saturday morning Sista-
I'm heading down to Columbia today to watch the Gamecocks play. It has been a while since I've been to a home game. I didn't make one last year but I did go and watch the East Carolina game at your house to start the season last year. That was one of my favorite games in a while, I was so happy that I decided to go watch it with my family that night!
I'm looking so forward to being with friends and family. Even though I feel close to you ALL the time, I'm especially excited to hear an "Arr, arr, ar, arr, arrrr" (that's your version of cock-a-doodle-do I believe)
No one will do it quite like you but it will be great to hear! Addie camped out last night at the horseshoe for ESPN's Game Day. I know how much you love that place and I'm sure you would've gone to check on her (I mean join in the fun) at least once :)
I'll report back later-love ya so Sista!!!!
I'm heading down to Columbia today to watch the Gamecocks play. It has been a while since I've been to a home game. I didn't make one last year but I did go and watch the East Carolina game at your house to start the season last year. That was one of my favorite games in a while, I was so happy that I decided to go watch it with my family that night!
I'm looking so forward to being with friends and family. Even though I feel close to you ALL the time, I'm especially excited to hear an "Arr, arr, ar, arr, arrrr" (that's your version of cock-a-doodle-do I believe)
No one will do it quite like you but it will be great to hear! Addie camped out last night at the horseshoe for ESPN's Game Day. I know how much you love that place and I'm sure you would've gone to check on her (I mean join in the fun) at least once :)
I'll report back later-love ya so Sista!!!!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
So, what's new Sista?
Well, here we are in September just trying to keep our head above water. You remember those days I'm sure, it's that time of year when you feel like you have something every single night of the week and then your weekends are slammed too! This is the time of year that I feel like I never get down to Columbia to see my family. It will happen again from January to March but I'm thankful for my time during holidays and summers to get some good quality time. I think of you every single day and pretty much all times of the day. I've mentioned before that it's weird times that you just pop right into my head. Riding home from teaching my Winthrop classes at night was always a time for a phone call (I go to make that call VERY often), of course Carolina Football, looking into the eyes of a precious child at school, talking about a new project at school, when people make a BIG deal over the LITTLE things (you really had no use for drama and I loved you that much more for it), thinking about trips I want to take and how you would have so much fun with us...
First time in what 8 years that Anna or Addie isn't cheering on Friday night but I know you would've been there anyway to support Jacob and the Eagles. So, what IS new? For starters, Jacob is busy with football, I hope to catch up with him soon. I believe Anna is settling in as a 3rd grade teacher extremely well. She's such a natural and there are 25 lucky students in her classroom. Addie is balancing classes, work, sorority and her busy social life. They both have what it takes to make it but I know you aren't surprised in the least. Sally shared with me yesterday that she got emotional while making her coffee for work (see I told you it hits at weird times in the day) and thought that even though you were gone in too short a time by our standards, you did a better job preparing us than anyone. She said you taught us so much and modeled how to live life. Sal's right and I know she like the rest of us sure would like to still be learning those lessons.
Oh, and something else new-"All Set...You Bet" that you used with your students has really caught on at India Hook. I wear the wristbands 24/7 and have shared them with others (donations for Cindy's Place of course) and our faculty even voted to use it to start our meetings so everyone knows when it's time to start. I love it because I think of you every time!
I knew football season would be tough but it's a little tougher than I was prepared for but I will say it makes me pull even that much harder for our Gamecocks (if that's possible!) Hope to make it to a game soon-
I'll be back with you soon - on the blog that is, because I know you are with me every second of every day!
As always-love ya Sista!! And Cock-a-doodle-do!
First time in what 8 years that Anna or Addie isn't cheering on Friday night but I know you would've been there anyway to support Jacob and the Eagles. So, what IS new? For starters, Jacob is busy with football, I hope to catch up with him soon. I believe Anna is settling in as a 3rd grade teacher extremely well. She's such a natural and there are 25 lucky students in her classroom. Addie is balancing classes, work, sorority and her busy social life. They both have what it takes to make it but I know you aren't surprised in the least. Sally shared with me yesterday that she got emotional while making her coffee for work (see I told you it hits at weird times in the day) and thought that even though you were gone in too short a time by our standards, you did a better job preparing us than anyone. She said you taught us so much and modeled how to live life. Sal's right and I know she like the rest of us sure would like to still be learning those lessons.
Oh, and something else new-"All Set...You Bet" that you used with your students has really caught on at India Hook. I wear the wristbands 24/7 and have shared them with others (donations for Cindy's Place of course) and our faculty even voted to use it to start our meetings so everyone knows when it's time to start. I love it because I think of you every time!
I knew football season would be tough but it's a little tougher than I was prepared for but I will say it makes me pull even that much harder for our Gamecocks (if that's possible!) Hope to make it to a game soon-
I'll be back with you soon - on the blog that is, because I know you are with me every second of every day!
As always-love ya Sista!! And Cock-a-doodle-do!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Any advice as to how life goes on??
That title sounds like I'm having trouble living, so let me clarify. No trouble living on this end, happy to be here and I truly do enjoy life. It's just that you were that go to person for advice, you didn't make it difficult or deep, just put it on the line. My friend Sylvia Echols posted a statement the other day that makes me think of you..."what you say to children will become their inner voice." I know you are my inner voice and I believe that's true for many others. Everyday at school I hear myself talking to children and I truly hear your voice. You were always so interested in the child, it was never just about your field, it was the whole child (even before that was the buzz word.) So many people are out there are working diligently to raise money for "Cindy's Place." I was able to attend the unveiling of the plan for Cindy's Place and it looks great. I listened to 3 students that wrote persuasive letters to the mayor last year as 4th graders (which was their way of practicing for the PASS test.) As 5th graders and leaders at Springdale, they read their own words from April of last year. They spoke of their PE teacher, Mrs. Wilkerson, and how she wanted them to have a wonderful place to play and grow and exercise during school but also bring their families to join them after school hours. You were their inner voice, I could hear your words as they spoke. You would be so proud of Springdale Elementary and the community. The diligence to make it a better place for ALL is being shown by so many people, and they are really stepping up.
Today, Addie is at a Carolina football game for the first time as an official Gamecock. Anna and Jacob are cheering from your seats as loud as they can (I'm sure not as loud as you did but I have a feeling that Anna just might be able to give you a run for your money.) Garnet and black runs awfully deep Sista.
So life does go on, we will just try to continue to listen to you (our inner voice) and live life to the fullest, treat others with respect, have fun, love children and all they bring with them, be spontaneous, oh and of course pull for the Carolina Gamecocks!!!
As always, love ya Sista!!
Today, Addie is at a Carolina football game for the first time as an official Gamecock. Anna and Jacob are cheering from your seats as loud as they can (I'm sure not as loud as you did but I have a feeling that Anna just might be able to give you a run for your money.) Garnet and black runs awfully deep Sista.
So life does go on, we will just try to continue to listen to you (our inner voice) and live life to the fullest, treat others with respect, have fun, love children and all they bring with them, be spontaneous, oh and of course pull for the Carolina Gamecocks!!!
As always, love ya Sista!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
What a start to the 2012-13 school year!
Little heads up, this may be a long one! So much has happened in the past week and yet so much to come. I'm opening with a prayer I received on my daily devotional of "griefshare" that I get via text.
Lord of heaven, calm my heart and help me to remember right now the precious memories I can learn from, grow from, and treasure in my heart daily. Amen.
We'll start with Addie going to college. She worked hard to get everything she needed ahead of time and was organized and ready when we all got there Saturday morning. Anna helped her plan earlier in the summer, helped her pick out her colors and guide her on what she needed. Bon Bon shopped with her during the past week to make sure she had exactly what she needed...not to mention getting her a gorgeous coral lamp for her room. Bon Bon, Addie and I had a great day of lunch and shopping for things like pillows, under the bed storage and a mattress pad. Doesn't sound like fun stuff but definitely necessities! Jacob took her to Carrabas to eat and to explain that she HAS to go to dinner once a month with him while at college :) Ashley, Jonathan and Emirie came over Thursday to help pack her clothes (I think that's where all the organization started.) The Ingrams had us over for steaks on Friday for Addie's last "official" night at home. Saturday morning the crew (Bon Bon, Jacob, Anna, Keith, KK, Sally, Jonathan and Ashley) met to load up Addie for this exciting time in her life...
Lord of heaven, calm my heart and help me to remember right now the precious memories I can learn from, grow from, and treasure in my heart daily. Amen.
We'll start with Addie going to college. She worked hard to get everything she needed ahead of time and was organized and ready when we all got there Saturday morning. Anna helped her plan earlier in the summer, helped her pick out her colors and guide her on what she needed. Bon Bon shopped with her during the past week to make sure she had exactly what she needed...not to mention getting her a gorgeous coral lamp for her room. Bon Bon, Addie and I had a great day of lunch and shopping for things like pillows, under the bed storage and a mattress pad. Doesn't sound like fun stuff but definitely necessities! Jacob took her to Carrabas to eat and to explain that she HAS to go to dinner once a month with him while at college :) Ashley, Jonathan and Emirie came over Thursday to help pack her clothes (I think that's where all the organization started.) The Ingrams had us over for steaks on Friday for Addie's last "official" night at home. Saturday morning the crew (Bon Bon, Jacob, Anna, Keith, KK, Sally, Jonathan and Ashley) met to load up Addie for this exciting time in her life...
Her friend, Kennedy, met us there and helped ALL day long. She was there long after I left to head back to Rock Hill. Addie's just like you, she chooses GOOD friends!
The room is beautiful-just like Addie :)
Monday was Anna's first day as a 3rd grade teacher at Springdale, amazing isn't it?! Seems like just yesterday that she was a 3rd grader herself sitting in that same classroom. Like the prayer says, treasure the memories in my heart, and I truly do. I'm thankful to have so many wonderful memories, because you knew how important family was and what it means to be there for each other. Anna and Addie get it too!!
This is Anna's room, she has an ocean theme going and it looks great. So many people have helped her that I can't possibly mention them all here but we are all so thankful to everyone. She has 26 children in her class, a daunting task for anyone but she will love them all and teach them that they matter and to believe in themselves. She is so much like you too! Both girls are such a good mix of you and Jacob. I can't wait to share more pictures of her school year, I know there will be many special memories. Kellie used your wooden apple for the nameplate outside of Anna's classroom and cleverly changed the "Mrs. Wilkerson" to "Miss Wilkerson" just one of many sweet experiences at Springdale.
This week has been emotional for so many reasons but one I didn't think about was starting back to school. We would always talk about what we were doing new this year, ideas we were thinking about, how exciting it was to start a new was a very difficult start for me. My students start tomorrow and I'm ready for them. I love a new school year and the enthusiasm children bring is so refreshing. I cherish my memories with you like nothing else, I hold them dear to my heart constantly. Thank you for giving me that and for teaching us all what it means to make a difference. You just need to show someone that you care. This past week we were overwhelmed with all the people that showed our family that they care. YOU made a difference, more than you could have even imagined while you were here on earth. But you live on with week, a ribbon-cutting for Cindy's Place at Springdale. What a year this is going to be-I'll keep you posted :)
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Exciting week-August, 2012
Cindy, this will be short but I will definitely be back next week to share pictures and stories from the week. Addie moves into USC on Saturday, August 18th. She has been working hard looking for all of her dorm stuff even though she is on her second round of antibiotics. Her room is going to look great and I think she is ready to be a college freshman! I know you are so proud of her, she's so level-headed. Anna has her open house tonight as a first year teacher at Springdale Elementary. Her room is going to look great too :) I'm not sure where these girls get their fashion sense but it sure wasn't from the two of us! The Springdale family has been unbelievable and I couldn't ask for any place better for her to start her career as a teacher. Oh yeah, and Anna is on her second round of antibiotics too. But, I think they are both on the mend and will be well for gametime! Love ya, Sista
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Who are your heroes?
I just spent 5 days at the National PE Institute in Asheville, NC and it was the most powerful professional development I've ever attended. The days were from 8-4:30 but they truly flew by because they were so informative and in true PE fashion we were up and moving for a good part of the day. Each day started and ended with keynote speakers that empowered us to be the best and do our best for the kids each and every day. The final morning Artie Kamiya shared a couple of inspirational stories and lessons. He then asked us to share with our neighbors the people that we consider to be our heroes. Of course I think of Mom and Dad, former teachers and many family members and friends that have meant so much to me and helped mold me into who I am today. I shared Cindy with my neighbor (that I didn't know) but then afterwards Artie asked if anyone wanted to share with the entire group (over 300 physical educators attended the conference.) After a few people spoke, I decided to share because Cindy was there with me for the week (as she is each and every day.) So, I told the crowd a little about why she's my hero but the emotional part of me took over and I kept it pretty brief.
So now, I'd like to share why Cindy is my hero;
From the day I was born, Cindy was there for me. She was 5 years older so I think I was kind of her baby doll :) She fed me, watched over me, took up for me and taught me many lessons. But she's my hero because of our relationship as adults, here are some examples of why she is my hero:
-she's an advocate for children at all times, the child comes first
-she constantly found ways to help families exercise together which was the push behind the facelift to the playground she called "The Healthy Fitness Zone" now known as "Cindy's Place"
-she NEVER treated anyone as if she was better or above them, all are equals and all are important
-she taught children, colleagues and parents the importance of being healthy and she "walked the walk"
-she loved and adored her family
-she fought for what she believed in
-we could talk for hours about elementary PE and shared ideas constantly
-she would go way out of her way to do something nice for you
-if you knew Cindy you knew you meant something to her
-she verbalized what she believed
-she would listen, even at 2 a.m.
-she would go for a run even if she didn't feel great because she knew it would make her feel better
-she wouldn't settle for less, live life to the fullest
-when difficulties came up, she responded with "let's get a plan"
When I was at the conference and I sent a text to Sally and Ashley to pray for me to get my emotions back together, they of course gave me the support I needed and for that I'm grateful. Ashley's response was right on when she said Cindy was watching from heaven and saying "who, me??"
I could continue this list all day and I will probably add to it as the days, weeks and years go on.
But for now... Cindy-you are my hero, thanks for always being there, for standing up for me and loving me unconditionally, teaching me through your words and actions, impacting so many lives and just being YOU!
Love you Sista (and football season is coming up soon so I gotta say GOOOO COCKS!! I know we'll be hearing your cock-a-doodle-do from here!)
So now, I'd like to share why Cindy is my hero;
From the day I was born, Cindy was there for me. She was 5 years older so I think I was kind of her baby doll :) She fed me, watched over me, took up for me and taught me many lessons. But she's my hero because of our relationship as adults, here are some examples of why she is my hero:
-she's an advocate for children at all times, the child comes first
-she constantly found ways to help families exercise together which was the push behind the facelift to the playground she called "The Healthy Fitness Zone" now known as "Cindy's Place"
-she NEVER treated anyone as if she was better or above them, all are equals and all are important
-she taught children, colleagues and parents the importance of being healthy and she "walked the walk"
-she loved and adored her family
-she fought for what she believed in
-we could talk for hours about elementary PE and shared ideas constantly
-she would go way out of her way to do something nice for you
-if you knew Cindy you knew you meant something to her
-she verbalized what she believed
-she would listen, even at 2 a.m.
-she would go for a run even if she didn't feel great because she knew it would make her feel better
-she wouldn't settle for less, live life to the fullest
-when difficulties came up, she responded with "let's get a plan"
When I was at the conference and I sent a text to Sally and Ashley to pray for me to get my emotions back together, they of course gave me the support I needed and for that I'm grateful. Ashley's response was right on when she said Cindy was watching from heaven and saying "who, me??"
I could continue this list all day and I will probably add to it as the days, weeks and years go on.
But for now... Cindy-you are my hero, thanks for always being there, for standing up for me and loving me unconditionally, teaching me through your words and actions, impacting so many lives and just being YOU!
Love you Sista (and football season is coming up soon so I gotta say GOOOO COCKS!! I know we'll be hearing your cock-a-doodle-do from here!)
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Have you ever felt cheated and blessed at the same time?
Cindy-that is just how I'm feeling this summer. Cheated because there are so many things I want to talk to you about, share with you, get a hug, see your smile, sit on the beach and be thankful, listen to you about all of the wonderful things going on in the Wilkerson's lives...
But mainly cheated because;
I want you to share with Addie's journey to USC and all of the excitement and trepidations that come with this next step in her life.
I want you to share with Anna being a 3rd grade teacher at Springdale Elementary. How excited you would be and thrilled that she gets to be a part of such a wonderful school family that has supported you for so many years.
I want you to be there with Jacob to enjoy the summer and be the wonderful team you've always been.
I want you to be there with Mom to support her and be there when she needs you, to talk Carolina baseball or football, and to just get together for coffee or dinner.
I want you to call Mike and go grab a beer somewhere.
This list could go on and on, however...
I also feel blessed!
Blessed because:
I was one of the fortunate ones that got a wonderful 46 years of your love, hugs, guidance, exuberance, positive outlook...
Addie had years of a great Mom who guided her and led her to be the young lady she is today and will continue to be in the years to come.
Anna had such a great role model to become the confident, poised young lady that she is today and you gave her the strength she displays day in and day out.
Jacob has so many wonderful memories with a soulmate and experienced a relationship that many people only dream of finding.
Mom knows that she and Dad raised a loving daughter who impacted many and displayed all the love and compassion that they instilled growing up.
Mike had a great relationship and special bond that only siblings 15 months apart understand.
I feel blessed that you didn't have to suffer, that you loved me unconditionally, that you live on in so many ways and that I see you in so many things that occur in my life. Again, I love you and miss you more than words can describe Sista!
But mainly cheated because;
I want you to share with Addie's journey to USC and all of the excitement and trepidations that come with this next step in her life.
I want you to share with Anna being a 3rd grade teacher at Springdale Elementary. How excited you would be and thrilled that she gets to be a part of such a wonderful school family that has supported you for so many years.
I want you to be there with Jacob to enjoy the summer and be the wonderful team you've always been.
I want you to be there with Mom to support her and be there when she needs you, to talk Carolina baseball or football, and to just get together for coffee or dinner.
I want you to call Mike and go grab a beer somewhere.
This list could go on and on, however...
I also feel blessed!
Blessed because:
I was one of the fortunate ones that got a wonderful 46 years of your love, hugs, guidance, exuberance, positive outlook...
Addie had years of a great Mom who guided her and led her to be the young lady she is today and will continue to be in the years to come.
Anna had such a great role model to become the confident, poised young lady that she is today and you gave her the strength she displays day in and day out.
Jacob has so many wonderful memories with a soulmate and experienced a relationship that many people only dream of finding.
Mom knows that she and Dad raised a loving daughter who impacted many and displayed all the love and compassion that they instilled growing up.
Mike had a great relationship and special bond that only siblings 15 months apart understand.
I feel blessed that you didn't have to suffer, that you loved me unconditionally, that you live on in so many ways and that I see you in so many things that occur in my life. Again, I love you and miss you more than words can describe Sista!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Can you believe it?!?!
Well Sista-the Gamecocks did it! We're going back to the College World Series National Championship. 3rd year in a row for us and last night was a nail biter. I can see you now, jumping all around and slapping the ground with both hands when we miss a ball or strike out (Jonathan has a name for it but can't think of it.) I know for sure you would've been in and out of the room not able to watch this one all the way through. How I wish you were here to celebrate with us. I have flinched for my phone so many times this week to call you. That seems to be my biggest difficulty these days, thinking that I need to call you that I haven't talked to you in a while.
We start the championship tomorrow so hang in there with us...we'll be chatting I'm sure :) Thanks for the pic above Rachel, I "borrowed" it from your facebook page-hope you don't mind!
We start the championship tomorrow so hang in there with us...we'll be chatting I'm sure :) Thanks for the pic above Rachel, I "borrowed" it from your facebook page-hope you don't mind!
Monday, June 18, 2012
It's College World Series time and can you believe it...the Gamecocks are back in it and we beat the Gators in the first game **cock-a-doodle-do**. We play tonight against Arkansas and I keep hearing you crow! Remember the first year we won the National Championship? You were underneath at the beach house and wouldn't come upstairs to watch because you were too nervous! Finally, after Anna begged you to come watch, you saw the end. Jacob and Addie were in Germany with her high school crew and we made the impromptu trip from Edisto to Columbia to welcome the team home. It was such an exciting time and I cherish the times we've had cheering on the Gamecocks. Either together or by phone it was always passionate. I know you and Dad are cheering right along with us, we hear you (especially you) loud and clear. So let's hear it Sista-Go Cocks!!
Friday, June 8, 2012
End of May, first of June
We're on month 4 of living without you physically in our lives, but you are everywhere! You were with us as we made our annual trip to Edisto for Memorial weekend. The boat ride to Beaufort was fun as usual, just different without you. We took your hat along...
...and it was nice to have a tangible part of you with us. We had a beautiful day on the water even though tropical storm Beryl was looming for us the next day. We ate at Plum's, did a little swimming, some took naps on the ride home and watched the sunset on the water. Of course went to Thirsty Fish for "just one more" but waited until Saturday since we spent the entire day on the water. It was a time of healing, of being together and definitely a time of remembering all you did to make us who we are!
We came home on Monday and Addie graduated from high school on Thursday, May 31st. I know you are so proud of her, you always have been. She's worked hard, she's mature, she has a great sense of humor and she knows how to treat others. BonBon, Jacob and Anna made sure her day and especially her party were just right. They put alot of time and effort into the details just like you would've if you were here. Jacob even bought the artificial flowers and put them in water like you accidentally did for Anna's graduation.
It was a good night I'm thankful for all of the people that came to support Addie and those that continue to be there Jacob and the girls.
Then June 5th and 6th, Jacob and I took a canoe ride down the Edisto River and stayed at a treehouse on the riverbank. We laughed that you and Sally would've never gotten in the boat after the owner told us to beware of alligators and poisonous snakes. "Not to worry too much about the gators but copperheads and rattle snakes are abundant on the treehouse grounds so be careful where you step." No doubt the 2 of you would've ridden back on the van and gotten the truck to meet us the next day :)
We spent time reflecting, reminiscing, and making a "plan" as you always did when met with adversity.
He was checking on the girls (just like you:)
I miss you more than I can put into words Sista!
...and it was nice to have a tangible part of you with us. We had a beautiful day on the water even though tropical storm Beryl was looming for us the next day. We ate at Plum's, did a little swimming, some took naps on the ride home and watched the sunset on the water. Of course went to Thirsty Fish for "just one more" but waited until Saturday since we spent the entire day on the water. It was a time of healing, of being together and definitely a time of remembering all you did to make us who we are!
We came home on Monday and Addie graduated from high school on Thursday, May 31st. I know you are so proud of her, you always have been. She's worked hard, she's mature, she has a great sense of humor and she knows how to treat others. BonBon, Jacob and Anna made sure her day and especially her party were just right. They put alot of time and effort into the details just like you would've if you were here. Jacob even bought the artificial flowers and put them in water like you accidentally did for Anna's graduation.
It was a good night I'm thankful for all of the people that came to support Addie and those that continue to be there Jacob and the girls.
Then June 5th and 6th, Jacob and I took a canoe ride down the Edisto River and stayed at a treehouse on the riverbank. We laughed that you and Sally would've never gotten in the boat after the owner told us to beware of alligators and poisonous snakes. "Not to worry too much about the gators but copperheads and rattle snakes are abundant on the treehouse grounds so be careful where you step." No doubt the 2 of you would've ridden back on the van and gotten the truck to meet us the next day :)
We spent time reflecting, reminiscing, and making a "plan" as you always did when met with adversity.
He was checking on the girls (just like you:)
I miss you more than I can put into words Sista!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Senior Awards Day 2012

At the same ceremony, 3 Airport High School students were recipients of the The Cindy Wilkerson Memorial Scholarship and the AHS Cindy Wilkerson Spirit for Airport Scholarship.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
The week begins...
So later today we gather with a few of those that love you so and celebrate you. We will laugh, we will cry but most of all we will remember. There are so many wonderful things to remember that it's hard to know where to start. This week also brings our annual trip to Edisto for our Beaufort and Charleston boat rides for Memorial Weekend. And yes, Cindy, we'll ride by "your" house on the water as we enter Charleston and smile at how many times you mentioned you love that house. We'll make new memories as this is Addie's first year to go, Anna's inaugural trip was last year. We'll take pictures, we'll smile, we'll cry, we'll remember, we'll begin to heal. But, really, it's because of you that we'll be together-just another of those times that you created and tradition that you started and we get to benefit from so once again Thanks Sista and I love you!
![]() |
This pic is from Sally - WTF? (Modern Family Version) |
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Mother's Day
Here's to you Cindy, today I celebrate Mom and Mammaw but I also celebrate you. You knew that being a mom to Anna and Addie was your most precious calling in life. It meant the world to you and you were good at it! Of course, when we were younger you were like a mom to me. Feeding me on your lap with a baby spoon when I was 7 or 8, worrying I would get hurt wrestling with Mike, or waiting up when I was out on a date. You were nurturing from the time you were little and it just grew as you did. We all miss you so much and certainly wish you were here with us to celebrate you. But we will still do it in our own way. When situations arise I often think about how you would handle it and try to live by it. Happy Mother's Day to all moms, you are special!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
So it's May-
It still doesn't seem real! I think of Cindy so many times a day every day and I just get this feeling that the feeling will remain. I so often think of calling or wanting to tell her something and then it's right back there in the front of my head that even though I can talk to her she won't "physically" respond. We are all trying to find our way, to deal with our loss but sometimes it feels so heavy. I know I for one find comfort and peace on my front porch or working in the yard. I'm thankful for the time of year that I can enjoy the outdoors. I'm thankful that I can talk about Cindy to others and feel so much pride about who she was and how she impacted me. I'm thankful for good family around me to love and support. That Mom makes my favorite cake and brings it to school so I can share with my lunch bunch. I'm very thankful for Sally and how she hurts right along with me. She allows me to talk when I want to talk and that it's ok not to too. I'm thankful for friends like Jonathan and Ashley who come to celebrate Birthdays and friendships. That they are willing to bring Emirie to spread so much joy and love with us.
So this crazy as May is I think of you, Cindy, and all those people that support me and love me and I feel thankful!! Miss you Sista!
So this crazy as May is I think of you, Cindy, and all those people that support me and love me and I feel thankful!! Miss you Sista!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Cindy Roof Wilkerson Fund Run of 2012 at Springdale Elementary
I have so much to share about all that has taken place this weekend. We celebrated some Birthdays and we're all trying to be joyous and thankful for those around us. Cindy's Fund Run was Friday, April 27th and what a celebration it was! The precious children ran their little hearts out and were just adorable. I walked into Yoder's class to get some extension cords to help set up when I heard the children say "Look, there's Mrs. Wilkerson" I know that is hard for them and I quickly explained that I was her sister. The run was very well organized and everyone at Springdale Elementary did a jam up job pulling it off. I know it is a great deal of work and our family thanks ALL involved from the bottom of our hearts. It was a really good day for us. We were in awe of how the kids were so into being healthy and making Mrs. Wilkerson proud by running so hard.
As they bust through the sign, they are ready to go and that determination doesn't stop even when they are tired..."can we run another lap" was said often when their 30 minutes were up!
The music was great, the atmosphere was so upbeat and the people that came out to support were awesome! The town of Springdale, Lexington District 2 and Springdale Elementary should all be proud of what is happening in our schools. Ultimate goal--healthy children that learn and grow to be healthy adults!
There were lots of feel good times during the day but my best story happened as I was walking through the halls to go check out the "cool party." I heard a young voice behind me say, "Ma'am, excuse me-are you Mrs. Wilkerson's Mom?" No, but I'm her sister-do you think we look alike? and he said "yes ma'am and I sure am going to miss her." I asked his name and it's Kyle, I told him that I miss her too and that I was proud of him running so hard earlier in the day for her. He said he loved her and then put his arm around my waist and we walked arm in arm to the playground for the party. Those are the cherished moments : )
As they bust through the sign, they are ready to go and that determination doesn't stop even when they are tired..."can we run another lap" was said often when their 30 minutes were up!
The music was great, the atmosphere was so upbeat and the people that came out to support were awesome! The town of Springdale, Lexington District 2 and Springdale Elementary should all be proud of what is happening in our schools. Ultimate goal--healthy children that learn and grow to be healthy adults!
There were lots of feel good times during the day but my best story happened as I was walking through the halls to go check out the "cool party." I heard a young voice behind me say, "Ma'am, excuse me-are you Mrs. Wilkerson's Mom?" No, but I'm her sister-do you think we look alike? and he said "yes ma'am and I sure am going to miss her." I asked his name and it's Kyle, I told him that I miss her too and that I was proud of him running so hard earlier in the day for her. He said he loved her and then put his arm around my waist and we walked arm in arm to the playground for the party. Those are the cherished moments : )
Addie was a non-stop cheerleader and high-fived them all |
Anna loved being around the kids and cheered them on |
So proud of this school and community |
Sunday, April 22, 2012
To Cindy-from Ashley Ingram
My dear friend, what a week this has been—so many special occasions for which you have been missed so very deeply. Aside
from the regular hustle and bustle of every day life, and Anna being
sick (which always worried you so for one of the girls to not be well),
Addie had two proms this week, Friday was Jacob’s birthday, and today
Emirie was baptized. Anna
is feeling much better and has done an absolutely incredible job of
being “Anna”—a perfect balance of a big sister and mother figure. She was sure to leave no detail undone—just as she always does—for Addie’s special days and Jacob’s as well. As
Karen has said before, and you and I spoke of as well, I know that I
can talk to you anywhere, but I had to come by your grave just to tell
you how incredibly amazing your two girls are. They
are truly beautiful both inside and out, and their wisdom, strength,
and character continue to impress me even when I think they cannot
impress me any further. I hope that I can be even a fraction of the mother that you were. Again, I come back to my selfishness, but we missed you so much this morning. Emirie’s
baptism is something that you and I talked about before she was even
born, and I wish that you could have shared in it with us on earth. The
service this morning opened with us singing “Holy Ground”, and when we
sang the verse “…and I know that there are angels all around…”, I really
struggled to regain my composure. I do, however, know that you were all around.
Also this week, I attended my first “post-funeral” funeral. It’s never “fun” to go to a funeral and never is it something that you look forward to with any sort of positive anticipation. Funerals
are, however, the opportunity to see an outpouring of love and support
for someone gone from this earth, and are often a testament to who a
person was during their earthly years. My
friend, yours was the most impressive display I have ever seen, which
was truly fitting—a very appropriate response to the person that you
were and the person that we all miss so deeply. You
know that I am generally not an outwardly emotional (or at least not
outwardly tearful) person—although that has changed very drastically in
these last few weeks. Knowing
that my mind would without question be flooded with memories of you and
the day that we gathered to celebrate your life, my apprehension about
attending this funeral was high because I did not want to be a
blubbering mess in front of my coworkers. Again, I was given the grace to keep it together, only shedding a couple of tears, for which I was very grateful. As
in so many experiences over the last few weeks, God has put me in the
perfect place at the perfect time, and this funeral was yet another one
of these instances. The
pastor that gave the message compared losing someone to leaving your
firstborn baby with a babysitter for the first time—appropriate for me,
right? He said how you know that they are in safe hands, are happy to be where they are, and will be better for it. He
also said how despite knowing all these things, you want them with you
and believe that no one can care for them the way that you can. Again, drawing a metaphor to letting a loved one go. Certainly,
we know that you are in a much better place, and it is not for your
betterment that we want you here with us, but ours. That being said, this week especially, my friend, we want you here. He
concluded his message by saying to the family, “we have not come here
to say ‘goodbye’, but rather have come here to say as we have some many
times before ‘goodnight’—‘goodnight, rest well, and we will see you when
the morning comes’”. With a tear (or two, or ten) in my eyes, I knew that God had put me right where I needed to be, as He so faithfully does.
this week of so many joyous occasions, full of blessings that we know
you are sharing in from Heaven behind us, we continue to miss you so
deeply, but are so grateful that you brought us together, and that now
as an angel you are “all around”. The week ahead of us will also be so full of you with so many other wonderful things to come. We are looking forward to it all. In
the meantime, my precious friend, I miss you so and have come here to
say to you as I have so many times before, “goodnight, rest well, and I
will see you when the morning comes.”
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Motivational Quote of the Day
Cindy loved quotes, she used them in her USC class all the time. You could find them on her dresser, office walls at work, mirror...anywhere she might look. So, I've added a daily quote link from and if you haven't checked it out you should give it a look. Sally and I found it one night watching college baseball and saw a commercial that touched us both.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
It's a big week as we find our way. Addie's senior prom is Saturday and I can't wait to post pictures. I'm so proud of her and I know Cindy is too. Addie has taught us so much in her 18 years, Cindy and I were always in awe of her peace, her belief in life, her strength, and her vision. We talked of her girls often and she was always so proud of them both. Love you Addie! And Anna, you certainly rival your mom in being the BEST big sister ever :)
Post from Kim Dennis
This message is from Kim Dennis-she's married to Keith (my mom's nephew) so she's our cousin and so loved by us all. I read her post on my porch this evening and couldn't wait to post it on the blog. I know you'll all enjoy it, cherish your own memories from it and appreciate it! Thanks Kim-looking ahead to wonderful memories to be made!
Keith and I are planning to take our vacation this year at the lake house…we love it there so much and have so many wonderful memories. One of the things I like the most about our trips to Lake Murray are the visits we get from family. I don’t think most people who live close to their extended family really appreciate the convenience of seeing your family whenever you want. We have Keith’s mom and sister, but visits from others are few and far between.
When we go to the lake, we don’t expect family to drop what they are doing, everyone has busy lives and we certainly get that. But we love a visit, even if it’s a short one. I can’t think of anyone as busy as the Wilkerson family, between their jobs, their church, the girls schedule, football season, etc….they go non-stop. I really have no memory of Keith and I going to the lake without a visit from Cindy. She understood the importance of family. She always made an effort to be there for us. We would sit on the porch and watch the sunset, she would stay for an hour or two and then get to her next appointment as she invariably had something to do. We talked a lot about family, she would always give us parenting advice , she and Jacob are our parent mentors…we’ve watched them and admired them for years. She said to make sure to spend time with your kids because it goes fast…. she made me feel like it is normal for my 3 ½ yr old to still have a passie (“I’ve never seen a child start Kindergarten with one. It’ll be fine".)) Cindy had the gift of making you feel important and listening to you. Not only did she visit us in her neck of the woods, but she made the effort to come to our important days as well. She attended both of my children’s baptisms in Savannah because it was an important milestone for our family. For Chelsea’s baptism she drove down Sunday morning because she had plans for Saturday evening, but she was there. Most recently, Cindy and Karen came for Keith’s 40th b-day party. I’m so glad I have that memory now.
Keith and I have both been blessed with a loving family. My side is a lot farther away, and I get homesick for them. But my Dennis/Wilkerson/Roof family has helped to ease that pain by loving me, making fun of me (the coconut pie story), being silly with me, being there for me not as if I was an addition to the family, but as if I have always been there. Just like Keith and Tiff. I am going to miss Cindy so much. She was such a big part of making me a Dennis. Somebody better come up and sit on the porch with us this year at the lakehouse! We can talk about family, share stories and drink a cold one.
Keith and I are planning to take our vacation this year at the lake house…we love it there so much and have so many wonderful memories. One of the things I like the most about our trips to Lake Murray are the visits we get from family. I don’t think most people who live close to their extended family really appreciate the convenience of seeing your family whenever you want. We have Keith’s mom and sister, but visits from others are few and far between.
When we go to the lake, we don’t expect family to drop what they are doing, everyone has busy lives and we certainly get that. But we love a visit, even if it’s a short one. I can’t think of anyone as busy as the Wilkerson family, between their jobs, their church, the girls schedule, football season, etc….they go non-stop. I really have no memory of Keith and I going to the lake without a visit from Cindy. She understood the importance of family. She always made an effort to be there for us. We would sit on the porch and watch the sunset, she would stay for an hour or two and then get to her next appointment as she invariably had something to do. We talked a lot about family, she would always give us parenting advice , she and Jacob are our parent mentors…we’ve watched them and admired them for years. She said to make sure to spend time with your kids because it goes fast…. she made me feel like it is normal for my 3 ½ yr old to still have a passie (“I’ve never seen a child start Kindergarten with one. It’ll be fine".)) Cindy had the gift of making you feel important and listening to you. Not only did she visit us in her neck of the woods, but she made the effort to come to our important days as well. She attended both of my children’s baptisms in Savannah because it was an important milestone for our family. For Chelsea’s baptism she drove down Sunday morning because she had plans for Saturday evening, but she was there. Most recently, Cindy and Karen came for Keith’s 40th b-day party. I’m so glad I have that memory now.
Keith and I have both been blessed with a loving family. My side is a lot farther away, and I get homesick for them. But my Dennis/Wilkerson/Roof family has helped to ease that pain by loving me, making fun of me (the coconut pie story), being silly with me, being there for me not as if I was an addition to the family, but as if I have always been there. Just like Keith and Tiff. I am going to miss Cindy so much. She was such a big part of making me a Dennis. Somebody better come up and sit on the porch with us this year at the lakehouse! We can talk about family, share stories and drink a cold one.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
I wanted to call you today to see how your Spring Break was going. I'm going to a musical in Charlotte tonight and I know how much you loved them. It's going to be a fun one and I wanted to tell you about it. Our Fun Run is coming up next Friday and I think of you so much during this time. You had so much energy and passion for children's health and I love telling people about your impact on them.
My hope for this blog is for people to share their stories of Cindy so we can all get to know her in different ways.
My memory today is after I received National Board Certification in 2001, I went for a weekend at Edisto. There was a Carolina cooler with my name embroidered on it full of beer, an Edisto T-shirt and a congratulations card from Cindy. She was always so proud of her family and never hesitated showing us. She loved fully!
My hope for this blog is for people to share their stories of Cindy so we can all get to know her in different ways.
My memory today is after I received National Board Certification in 2001, I went for a weekend at Edisto. There was a Carolina cooler with my name embroidered on it full of beer, an Edisto T-shirt and a congratulations card from Cindy. She was always so proud of her family and never hesitated showing us. She loved fully!
I dreamed about Cindy last night, saw her clear as can be. I almost NEVER remember my dreams and I'm frustrated that I don't remember any more than I do about this one. That may be my only one or one of many to come, who knows. But I'm grateful for the closeness of it. Weekends are the hardest for me, I guess because to some extent life has to go on as planned during the week. As caring and thoughtful that my 600 kids are at school they still need classes to go on as scheduled as well as all the other responsibilities of teaching.
So Friday comes along and life slows down...more time to think...and you're grateful for it but it's also tough. I grilled out last night and spent time on the porch watching the sun blaze through the trees and birds happy as ever and it was a time that I would've normally called Cindy to see how her week was and to see what she was doing for the weekend.
Love ya and miss ya Sista!
So Friday comes along and life slows down...more time to think...and you're grateful for it but it's also tough. I grilled out last night and spent time on the porch watching the sun blaze through the trees and birds happy as ever and it was a time that I would've normally called Cindy to see how her week was and to see what she was doing for the weekend.
Monday, April 9, 2012
I visited your grave yesterday on your Birthday for the first time. I've never been one much to visit graves because I always feel like I can talk to those gone just anywhere I am. You and I actually talked about that after Daddy died. But I'll have to say that it was a wonderful moment (or moments, I made a couple of trips during the day). It sits up on a hill and it was a beautiful spring day. I took in all the sights and sounds of the morning and felt a little sense of peace. There were some pretty flowers that different people put there for your birthday or just because they miss you.
Today, I'm going back to work after spring break. April is a full month and lots of great things will be happening and many of those because of you and who you were. I'll be back to share soon-love ya Sista!
Today, I'm going back to work after spring break. April is a full month and lots of great things will be happening and many of those because of you and who you were. I'll be back to share soon-love ya Sista!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
It's Saturday before Easter and Cindy's birthday. Sometimes when I blog I talk directly to Cindy, sometimes to the readers and sometimes to myself. Today is to myself...maybe a little pep talk per se.
I really do have a positive outlook on life and look for all the good that is taking place in this life knowing that what is to come is even better. As so many people have told me over the past 6 weeks, I do cherish the memories I hold so dear. I know that after finding out how large the tumor was and how detrimental it was going to be to her that it was a blessing that it took her life so quickly and with relatively little suffering. I am thankful for my precious nieces and brother-in-law. I'm grateful that there are venues for people to show their support. But, that doesn't mean I miss her any less.
This is obviously the most difficult experience I've ever encountered and am thankful for the 3F's to get me through (Faith, Family, Friends)
However, I'm selfish...I want her here for Easter, for her Birthday, Jacob's birthday, Anna's birthday, to gather with friends and family, boat rides at the beach, sitting underneath at the beach, Addie's graduation, summer vacation, Carolina football, Christmas music in September :) and the list goes on and on and on.
But that isn't to be so for today I'm thankful that she loved so hard and we all knew where we stood with her, that she brought so many people together and will continue to do so for many, many years to come and that she knew how much I loved her too!
Happy Birthday Cindy and Happy Easter!
Love ya Sista ;)
I really do have a positive outlook on life and look for all the good that is taking place in this life knowing that what is to come is even better. As so many people have told me over the past 6 weeks, I do cherish the memories I hold so dear. I know that after finding out how large the tumor was and how detrimental it was going to be to her that it was a blessing that it took her life so quickly and with relatively little suffering. I am thankful for my precious nieces and brother-in-law. I'm grateful that there are venues for people to show their support. But, that doesn't mean I miss her any less.
This is obviously the most difficult experience I've ever encountered and am thankful for the 3F's to get me through (Faith, Family, Friends)
However, I'm selfish...I want her here for Easter, for her Birthday, Jacob's birthday, Anna's birthday, to gather with friends and family, boat rides at the beach, sitting underneath at the beach, Addie's graduation, summer vacation, Carolina football, Christmas music in September :) and the list goes on and on and on.
But that isn't to be so for today I'm thankful that she loved so hard and we all knew where we stood with her, that she brought so many people together and will continue to do so for many, many years to come and that she knew how much I loved her too!
Happy Birthday Cindy and Happy Easter!
Love ya Sista ;)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Other messages about Cindy
Please take some time to check out Misty Burton's blog where she posted her thoughts in regards to Cindy.
Also, I opened my mail today and the Alliance News, which is the newsletter for SC Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (SCAHPERD) was here. Amid all of the messages from our state leaders in our profession this was highlighted:
In Memoriam
On February 25, 2012, SCAHPERD lost a long-time member, Cindy Wilkerson. She was a physical education teacher at Springdale Elementary in West Columbia, served on the SCAPES board, served on the assessment writing team and presented regularly at the fall conference. We will miss you, Cindy.
So each day brings new thoughts, old thoughts, good memories, tears, laughter, sadness and just plain longing for you to be with us just a little longer (well truth be known, a lot longer) and so we just try to live like you lived and be the kind of community and family you would want.
I'm excited about tomorrow...I'll share a post to fill you all in :-)
Saturday, March 24, 2012
1 month
Tomorrow will be 1 month and there have been so many thoughts and memories racing through my head. It still feels like you've gone on an extended vacation though we all know that's not true (you would've called multiple times a day.) I think this past week has been a little realization for me, thank goodness for friends and family helping me handle it. I'm still amazed at all the ways you impacted so many people. I love how that is continuing and will do so beyond my comprehension. On another note, I think you'd love Addie's prom dress. Anna has done a wonderful job being the big sister and helping her with all the details. Of course she did that when you were here with us :)
So many fun times together...I think this pic is the 2nd time Jonathan and Ashley took us out on the boat at Edisto...more of those wonderful traditions you started Sista! Love ya-
So many fun times together...I think this pic is the 2nd time Jonathan and Ashley took us out on the boat at Edisto...more of those wonderful traditions you started Sista! Love ya-
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Pep Rally
We had our big Pep Rally today for the Fun Run, thought about you all day. Heard through the grapevine (Ashley-Justin) that you got the attention of your students by saying "All set" and they responded with "you bet." So I decided to start using it and it worked GREAT at the pep rally. The kids loved it-your traditions (or tradinky's as you liked to call them) will continue on Sista! Love you so-no words for how much you are missed, muah!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
"New Normal"
Cindy-your words were always "we'd find a new normal" when we'd have tragedies in our lives. I'm working on the new normal but I don't much care for it Sista...not what I had in mind. You're such a spark for just about anything we did-you always found a way to make it fun. I'm looking for those sparks, having fun in things that I do and loving life (just like you did) but it's just a little harder right now. I know it will come easier for me but for right now it's just HARD! Love ya-
We Miss You - Ashley Ingram
We Miss You :)
From Ashley Ingram
soon as I saw Karen's first post with the picture of Cindy painting and
the "Cindy Rocks" written on the side of the beach house, this picture
immediately popped into my mind. This is one of few instances where it
pays to be a bit of a pack rat, because I still have this picture saved
on my phone, and wanted to share it with everyone. This is a picture
that Cindy and Karen sent to us after Jonathan and I had to come home
and go back to work from one of our beach house painting trips. I
will also take this opportunity to add that when I talked to coworkers
that day about how much fun we had painting a beach house in the HOT
June weather in South Carolina, I got multiple raised eyebrows, and "you
make it sound like you ACTUALLY had FUN" comments...but WE DID! As
Karen posted, Cindy worked hard at EVERYTHING she did and always found a
way to make ANYTHING fun. That is truly one of the things that I will miss the most--her ability to turn absolutely anything into the time of your life.
Cindy (and maybe Karen-don't want to take away any justly due credit)
painted this picture on the wall of the beach house as they were
painting that Monday and sent it to us...
The text message that accompanied the picture was "wish you were you much".
I know that my dear friend is in an incredibly magnificent place, the
selfish person in me misses her earthly presence more than my words can
begin to describe. For all of those reading this blog, I know that your
sentiments must be the same, as that is inevitably what brought you
here. So I just had to share her own "artwork" accompanied by her very
own words. So, here we go sending Cindy her own message back to her...
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
I think I've made it easier to post (hope so but this is all so new to me, hang with me until I get it figured out!) Give it a try so I'll know :)
I miss Cindy so much every day-I have reached for the phone so many times to call her just to see how her day was going. She was so easy to talk to and I almost never talked to her when she wasn't upbeat about something. Even if there were tough times (A.B., Dad and Griff's deaths and many other trials and tribulations of life) she would always say "but hey we've got so many good things to be happy about and wonderful memories so we'll focus on those." Every now and then she'd need to vent and say "give me 10 minutes" and I'd listen, then when she was through we'd talk about all the great things happening in our lives.
I count my blessings that she was my sister and I'm so very thankful that she touched so many of you because I get to keep hearing about her and her impact. My daily blessings always include Jacob, Anna and Addie because they are phenomenal people and I love them so!!
Come back and join us later-hope to hear some of your thoughts
I miss Cindy so much every day-I have reached for the phone so many times to call her just to see how her day was going. She was so easy to talk to and I almost never talked to her when she wasn't upbeat about something. Even if there were tough times (A.B., Dad and Griff's deaths and many other trials and tribulations of life) she would always say "but hey we've got so many good things to be happy about and wonderful memories so we'll focus on those." Every now and then she'd need to vent and say "give me 10 minutes" and I'd listen, then when she was through we'd talk about all the great things happening in our lives.
I count my blessings that she was my sister and I'm so very thankful that she touched so many of you because I get to keep hearing about her and her impact. My daily blessings always include Jacob, Anna and Addie because they are phenomenal people and I love them so!!
Come back and join us later-hope to hear some of your thoughts
From Kate Gordon:
of my earliest memories is the green jeep and sitting in the center
between Cindy and Karen feeling like "one of the girls". As youth
leaders, Mom and Dad talked of Cindy sharing her rather explosive
feelings during "Jaws" the movie, much to their external mortification
yet internal amusement.
I picture her pitching during church softball and catching a ball going about 100 miles per hour
at close range; only to smile and kind of shake her burning hand. Her
beautiful Grandma faints and, as Cindy is walking down the
aisle, she is trying to send me hand signals at the front of the church
to tell me about Grandma after I have carried the Crucifix; always
thinking of the other person. The fondest memories are of talking about
family on the beautiful beach of Edisto Island; "Beach Therapy". Love
to you, left a legacy of a beautiful smile and kind heart
and will be forever missed.
From Judy Gordon:
I stand and look out my kitchen window across the pond dam with the trees and azaleas blooming and know that I would give anything I own to see Cindy come across the dam on her four-wheeler in her shorts and sun visor as she would sometimes do. She was the sunshine in our family, always smiling, always sharing fun times, and always full of the love of life. She adored her family, and made friends wherever she went. We will so miss tail-gating at the house while watching the game on tv, the burning of the Christmas trees, and our hearts are so heavy with the loss of such a vibrant personality.We feel so much grief for Jacob, Anna, Addie, Karen, Mike, and LaVonne. However, Cindy will be with us forever in our hearts as we remember a truly unforgettable person.
I stand and look out my kitchen window across the pond dam with the trees and azaleas blooming and know that I would give anything I own to see Cindy come across the dam on her four-wheeler in her shorts and sun visor as she would sometimes do. She was the sunshine in our family, always smiling, always sharing fun times, and always full of the love of life. She adored her family, and made friends wherever she went. We will so miss tail-gating at the house while watching the game on tv, the burning of the Christmas trees, and our hearts are so heavy with the loss of such a vibrant personality.We feel so much grief for Jacob, Anna, Addie, Karen, Mike, and LaVonne. However, Cindy will be with us forever in our hearts as we remember a truly unforgettable person.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Email address
I've heard quite a few people say they would like to add something but aren't very familiar with how to post. Feel free to email me at and I will post your thought or memory for you.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Her impact on my life - Jonathan Ingram
Karen, I am happy you started this blog. What a
great way for people to have a place to leave thoughts and memories of
someone so special. I am so fortunate to have been able to be touched
by Cindy's life. Both she and Jacob are great
models of how to raise a family, love your spouse, and be the best
person you can be at all times. Her love for others was contagious. She
could make you feel so special. I don't know if I will ever understand
why she left this earth so quickly. I think
part of my problem with that is selfishness. I wanted her to see my
daughter grow up to be an adult. I wanted to have her sitting on our
boat singing along to her current favorite song. I wanted to share one
more splitter with her under her beach house.
I wanted one more of her hand-hewn burgers or shrimp with Cindy's
Edisto Sauce. Just One at the Thirsty Fish. Boat rides to Charleston
and Beaufort Memorial Day weekend. I wanted her to help me get
through my short comings that she never judged me on,
but instead helped me become stronger. Leaving on a whim on a Saturday
morning to find snow. Throwing something on the grill on the weekends.
Copper River, Thirsty Fellow, Travinia, Wild Hare. Happy Hour at the
white house after an Airport Football game.
Carolina sports. Like I said, selfish. Above all, I know that this
was not the end for her. I just wanted her here longer. The one thing
we can all see is how she and Jacob raised two amazing young ladies.
She taught them so much about life and how to
handle people and situations with an open mind. My heart hurts for
Anna, Addie, Jacob and the rest of her family. All I can do is move
forward in thinking about all of the good she did for everyone she
knew. I don't know when the sorrow and sadness will
cease, but I will never forget her impact on my life.
Viki-thank you for sharing this email with the family.
Dear Colleagues-
I am very sad to
announce that Cindy Wilkerson (Clinical model teacher and adjunct
instructor for PEDU 575) passed away very suddenly. She was diagnosed
with a brain tumor last week, suffered a stroke and
then passed away on Saturday morning. Cindy was a graduate of Airport
High School and received both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from the
University of South Carolina. She was a nationally Board Certified
physical education teacher at Springdale Elementary
School where she touched the lives of many children and adults. Cindy
worked tirelessly to enhance the physical activity and health of
students. She was a Springdale Elementary Teacher of the Year, a
recipient of state awards from the South Carolina Association
for Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, presented at state and
regional conferences and published in professional journals. She served
as a cooperating teacher for more than 30 student teachers from the
University of South Carolina and taught PEDU 575
(Physical Education for Classroom Teachers) since 2009. Cindy was an
incredibly positive person who loved children and always had a smile on
her face.
You likely do not
know that Cindy and her husband Jacob Wilkerson played a major role in
the survival of our department back in the early 1990's. Cindy and
Jacob were instrumental in the department moving
to the College of Education. Cindy's parents were close friends with
members of the USC Board of Trustees. If we had not had support from
pedagogy faculty all over the country, at every pedagogy institution in
SC, and from local teachers, there was a strong
chance the pedagogy program and doctoral program would have been
disbanded in the School of Public Health. Thus, our Department owes a
great deal of gratitude to Cindy Wilkerson for allowing us to keep the
program safe and alive at USC in the College of Education.
Visitation will be
held on Monday, February 27, 2012 at Caughman-Harman Funeral Home, West
Columbia Chapel from 5:00-7:00. A celebration of her life will be held
on Tuesday, February 28, 2012 at 3:30 at
Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church. Memorials may be made to the Cindy R,
Wilkerson Children’s Fitness Memorial, SCBT, 1100 Knox Abbott Drive,
Cayce, SC 29033.
Lynda M. Nilges-Charles, Ph.D.
Chairperson and Associate Professor
Department of Physical Education and Athletic Training
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Considering I'm not much of a writer, I'm a little surprised at myself for choosing a blog as my way to connect and share my sister with others. Please feel free to share your memories and thoughts any time! I want all of my friends and colleagues to know her like I did so Cindy, here we go girl.
Cindy worked hard in everything she did, but she ALWAYS found a way to have fun at the same time. I think that is part of what drew people to her. So whether it was teaching, painting the beach house, cheering for the Gamecocks, being a mom, a wife, a daughter or sister, Sunday School teacher, a friend, (and this list will continue to grow) she did it with gusto.
I'm looking forward to sharing more throughout the days and weeks to come.
Cindy worked hard in everything she did, but she ALWAYS found a way to have fun at the same time. I think that is part of what drew people to her. So whether it was teaching, painting the beach house, cheering for the Gamecocks, being a mom, a wife, a daughter or sister, Sunday School teacher, a friend, (and this list will continue to grow) she did it with gusto.
I'm looking forward to sharing more throughout the days and weeks to come.
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