Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cindy Roof Wilkerson Fund Run of 2012 at Springdale Elementary

I have so much to share about all that has taken place this weekend.  We celebrated some Birthdays and we're all trying to be joyous and thankful for those around us.  Cindy's Fund Run was Friday, April 27th and what a celebration it was!  The precious children ran their little hearts out and were just adorable.  I walked into Yoder's class to get some extension cords to help set up when I heard the children say "Look, there's Mrs. Wilkerson" I know that is hard for them and I quickly explained that I was her sister.  The run was very well organized and everyone at Springdale Elementary did a jam up job pulling it off.  I know it is a great deal of work and our family thanks ALL involved from the bottom of our hearts.  It was a really good day for us.  We were in awe of how the kids were so into being healthy and making Mrs. Wilkerson proud by running so hard.

As they bust through the sign, they are ready to go and that determination doesn't stop even when they are tired..."can we run another lap" was said often when their 30 minutes were up!

The music was great, the atmosphere was so upbeat and the people that came out to support were awesome!  The town of Springdale, Lexington District 2 and Springdale Elementary should all be proud of what is happening in our schools.  Ultimate goal--healthy children that learn and grow to be healthy adults!

There were lots of feel good times during the day but my best story happened as I was walking through the halls to go check out the "cool party."  I heard a young voice behind me say, "Ma'am, excuse me-are you Mrs. Wilkerson's Mom?"  No, but I'm her sister-do you think we look alike? and he said "yes ma'am and I sure am going to miss her." I asked his name and it's Kyle, I told him that I miss her too and that I was proud of him running so hard earlier in the day for her.  He said he loved her and then put his arm around my waist and we walked arm in arm to the playground for the party.  Those are the cherished moments : )

Addie was a non-stop cheerleader and high-fived them all
Anna loved being around the kids and cheered them on
So proud of this school and community

1 comment:

  1. It truly was an incredible day - a real homage to the legacy of Cindy. I must admit I can't get enough of seeing the kids look at you, Karen, with absolute wonder - miraculously seeing Mrs. Wilkerson in the flesh again. I think you must be deeply honored by that, but I also wonder if it stings just a little.

    Anna and Addie are so beautifully and gracefully honoring their beloved mother - that in itself is a tribute beyond words.

    Instead of settling into the reality, we (collectively) seem to be missing Cindy more and more - the heartache evermore authentic. But we keep putting one foot in front of the other, understanding that God has a plan for us and will never leave or forsake us. Cindy would expect nothing less of us - to believe it and to seize each and every day. So be it.
