Saturday, April 7, 2012

It's Saturday before Easter and Cindy's birthday.  Sometimes when I blog I talk directly to Cindy, sometimes to the readers and sometimes to myself.  Today is to myself...maybe a little pep talk per se.

I really do have a positive outlook on life and look for all the good that is taking place in this life knowing that what is to come is even better.  As so many people have told me over the past 6 weeks, I do cherish the memories I hold so dear.  I know that after finding out how large the tumor was and how detrimental it was going to be to her that it was a blessing that it took her life so quickly and with relatively little suffering.  I am thankful for my precious nieces and brother-in-law.  I'm grateful that there are venues for people to show their support.  But, that doesn't mean I miss her any less.

This is obviously the most difficult experience I've ever encountered and am thankful for the 3F's to get me through (Faith, Family, Friends)

However, I'm selfish...I want her here for Easter, for her Birthday, Jacob's birthday, Anna's birthday, to gather with friends and family, boat rides at the beach, sitting underneath at the beach, Addie's graduation, summer vacation, Carolina football, Christmas music in September :) and the list goes on and on and on.

But that isn't to be so for today I'm thankful that she loved so hard and we all knew where we stood with her, that she brought so many people together and will continue to do so for many, many years to come and that she knew how much I loved her too!

Happy Birthday Cindy and Happy Easter!

Love ya Sista ;) 

1 comment:

  1. So sweet, so true, and so honest. You're doing great. Claim your grief, let it happen, and grow from it. I certainly know you won't wallow in it! You are a pillar of strength - thanks from me and all who draw from it.
